Dr. A. Geetha Bhavani
Ph.D. Heterogeneous Catalysis
Dr.A. Geetha Bhavani is Dean, School of Sciences. She received Ph.D. Heterogeneous Catalysis in 2007 from Anna University. In 2007 joined R&D Centre, Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd (IOCL) and experienced on novel catalyst synthesis and testing in pilot plant on all catalytic reforming reactions and developed the catalyst for desulphurisation with collaborative project on IIT-Madras. In 2009 joined at Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea as Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of synthesis of highly stable, novel porous catalytic solids like MOFs, Perovskites by various methods, reaction conversion processes and isolation of the intermediates structures and transport properties of porous solid catalysts, photo-catalytic hydrogen production, high temperature reforming reactions to produce hydrogen, studies on deactivation mechanism, high octane biodiesel synthesis, biodegradable polymers, development of new catalysts for CO2 reduction by eco-friendly production from chemical stocks. In 2011 joined as scientist in R&D Centre, POSBEE, South Korea in the field of Fuel Cell preparation and testing. She holds international patent on “Use Of Nanostructured Trimetallic Catalyst For The Production Of Syngas From Autothermal CO2 Reforming With Methane”. She published 50 high impact SCI indexed journals and 8 Books. She is an editorial board member for few journals and reviewer for Elsevier journals. She is severing her expertise on science and technology innovations through a consultative group member for “Office of Principle Scientific Advisor” Government of India and other various associations.