Dr (Prof.) Vijay Vir Singh
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Dr (Prof.) Vijay Vir Singh is currently working as a Head of the Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences (SOS), NIU. Previously Prof. Singh was working as a professor Mathematics in the School of Basic and Applied sciences at Lingayas Vidyapeeth Faridabad, Haryana.
Dr (Prof.) Vijay Vir Singh received his MSC (1989), MPhil (1992) & Ph.D. (2010), degree in Mathematics from Institute of advance studies Chaudhary Charan Singh university, campus, Meerut, India. Prof. Singh research area is Applied Mathematics, Operation Research, Stochastic Analysis, Inventory theory and Reliability modelling. Prof. Singh has also started research in advance complex analysis, Weierstrass functions and modular forms. Dr. Singh has published 93 research articles in reputed international journals with good impact factor. Till date, Dr. Singh have participated in 25 international conferences as a research paper presenter, technical chair session, invited talk lecture presenter, member of advisory committee and local organising committees. Dr. Singh has more than 32 years of teaching and research experience and he has supervised 5 PhD, 5 MSC and more than 35 BSC students in his expertise research area. Dr. Singh is member of editorial board of several journals and regular reviewer of Elsevier Springer, IEEE, Inderscience, Emerald, Taylor Frances and many other journals.
Prof. Singh name was listed in the 2% best researchers list in the survey of 2021 worldwide list. Previously Prof. Singh has worked in various position in the academia like Assistant professor, Associate Professor, Professor in Mathematics. Dr. Singh embraces the responsibility as Head of Department at Yobe State university, Nigeria during 2013- 2015 and the mathematics department received full accreditation under his headship.
Experience: 32 years (Research and Teaching)
- Senior Member of IEEE
- Reviewer of International Journals of
- Reviewer of Springer
- Reviewer of National
- Reviewer of
- Open Journal of Engineering Science (OJES)
- Reviewer of Elsevier
- Member of Editorial Board of
- 93 publications
- 2 Book chapters,
- 20 scientific presentations at International Conferences.
- 05 PhD Supervised, 05 MSC Supervised, 35 BSC Supervised
- 03 PhD thesis evaluated.
Academic Links:
- Google scholar: https://goo.gl/dntoB6
- ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr-Vijay-Singh-2
- Orcid.org/0000-0002-9613-0744
- Scopus Id: 57199964713