Industrial Tour Report

On 9th May students of School of Science & School of Engineering & Technology of Noida International University went for an industrial visit to UFLEX India Ltd.

40 students participated in this event which was a part of the Corporate Connect Program.

The students were accompanied by senior faculty members of School Of Engineering & Technology Dr Tushar Gupta & Mr Hari Om Rawal.

The delegation was received by the Plant technical team who briefed students regarding the organisation,products & process followed.

The students viewed the manufacturing facilities & understood the steps taken to deliver the fine quality products.

A Q&A round was kept for the students to answer their queries which they participated in very enthusiastically.

The visit concluded with a vote of thanks to the industry officials followed by refreshment arranged by UFLEX management.

Students got an insight on how professional organisations work, methodically plans,coordinates & executes the whole process through team work.

A few glimpses of the tour are attached herewith.

Let the learning contine…


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