Love your Eyes Kids!

Name of the event

Love your Eyes Kids!

Name of the activity

World Sight Week Celebration


Love your Eyes Kids!

Date of the event

5.10.24- 10.10.2024

Location of the event

Refraction lab, Noida International University

Sponsoring organization



Bachelor of Optometry Students Excel in Scientific Competitions, Vision Awareness Rally, and Eye Camp

Our Bachelor of Optometry students from School of Allied Health Sciences demonstrated exceptional talent and commitment as they participated in a series of scientific competitions, including poster presentations, paper presentations, and model presentations. The students showcased their innovative ideas and in-depth knowledge, receiving accolades for their excellent performances in each category.

Following the competitions, our students actively participated in a Vision Awareness Rally, aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of eye health. This initiative emphasized the need for regular eye check-ups and the prevention of eye diseases, reaching out to a diverse audience.

To further extend our commitment to eye health, the event culminated in an Eye Camp organized for the employees of Noida International University. Our students, under the guidance of experienced faculty members, conducted comprehensive eye screenings and offered valuable consultations, underscoring our institution’s dedication to community service and healthcare outreach.


Given Below


Banner, Posters, Vision screening tools: Snellen Acuity Charts, Retinoscopes, RAF ruler, Near Vision Chart, scientific posters, models, presentations

Name of the Organizing Department/ School



Department of Optometry

School Of Allied Health Sciences

Organizing Chairperson:


Contact Number


Prof. (Dr.) Supriya Awasthi

+91 9311244362


Name of the Secretary:



Mr. Vishal Biswas

Program coordinator & Assistant Professor, Department of Optometry, SOAHS


Ms. Roshni, Ms. Komal, Ms. Neha

Assistant Professor, Department of Optometry, SOAHS

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