Mr. Baidyanath Mukherjee
6 Years
- Paper Titled “Screening and Community Based Rehabilitation for Early Children with Mental and Developmental Disorders: A Literature Review” published in “International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) (A WEB OF SCIENCE INDEXED JOURNAL)”
- Paper Titled “Role of Physical Therapy in Muscular Dystrophy among early childhood: A Descriptive Review” published in “International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)
- Paper Titled “The Need for Police Reforms” published in “JIMS Journal of Law (A Peer Reviewed Journal)”.
- Book Chapter Titled “Data Biases and Predictive Policing system in New Delhi” accepted for publication in “Legal Analytics: The Future of Analytics in Legal” Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, SCOPUS INDEXED.
- Paper Titled “Urgent Need for Police Reforms in India: A Human Rights Concern” published in “NIU International Journal of Human Rights (UGC Care Listed Journal)”.
- Paper titled “Abrogation of Article 370- Legal Analysis” published in “Online Journal of Centre for Academic Legal Research” May 2021.
- Paper titled “Judicial Activism or Judicial Adventurism- for proper administration of Justice in the Indian Context” published in an Edited Book under the aegis on ‘Justice Dipak Misra National Call for Chapters 2019’.
- Paper titled “Challenges in Implementation of Competition Act, 2002 with special reference to Anti-Competitive Agreements” published in ‘Journal of the Gujrat Research Society, UGC-CARE List
- Abstract accepted for paper presentation on “Diverse Impact in Big Data Policing” in an International Law Conference” organized by Lancaster University, United Kingdom on June 2022.
- Presented paper titled “Accountability of Indian Police: Need of the hour” in an “International Conference on Revitalizing Social Institution for Peace, Justice and Environmental Protection” organized by Lovely Professional University, Phagwara on 16th April 2022.
- Presented Paper titled “Urgent Need for Police Reforms” in an International Conference on Recent Advancement & Innovations in Management, Media Science, Technology, Education and Legal Issues organized by JIMS, Greater Noida (Affiliated to GGSIU, New Delhi) on 08th May 2021.
- Participated in the International Roundtable on “Achieving global food security through instrumentalities of plant variety and other related disciplines (Patent, Trade Secret, ABS & Regulatory Framework)” organized by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India and Chair on IPR & CIPRA NLSIU, Bangalore on 5th and 6th March 2021.
- Parantap Kr. Das- Head- School of Law and Legal Affairs, Noida International University,
- Vikram Singh, Former DGP UP, Chancellor Noida International University.
- Justice Arijit Pasayat, Former Judge- Supreme Court of India.