Dr. Ajit Kumar Lenka
I have worked extensively in the field of social medicine and community health (Public Health). I am able to manage and analyses both Qualitative and Quantitative data. My area of specialization is water and sanitation provision and policies, issues of health in India. I have first-hand experience to work in the field at grass root level in both rural and urban settings. My broader research interest lies in Urbanization community health, Anaemia, Maternal and child health, Adolescent health, Livelihood, Migration, Provision of water and sanitation services in urban slums.
Name |
Dr. Ajit Kumar Lenka |
School Name |
School of Allied Health Science |
Department Name |
Public Health |
Designation |
Assistant Professor |
Experience |
10 Years |
Qualification |
UGC NET, M.Phil, Ph.D. |
Area of Interest |
Urban Health, WASH, Anaemia, Maternal and Child Health, Migration and Livelihoods |
Skill sets & Expertise |
MS Office (Word, Power point, Excel), SPSS, STATA, Kobo Toolbox, Zotero Standalone and Mendeley |
Research and Publications (if any) |
Journals 1 Chanchal, R., & Lenka, A. K. (2023). Parental Migration and Education: Lived Experiences of Dalit and Adivasi Children in a Village of Madhya Pradesh. Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 0(0), 1-15, Sage Publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/2455328X231198689 2 Rashmi, K., Lenka A K., Gauda, S. and Lodhi. M., (2023). Prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls: A community-based study in Delhi, Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 14 (10) Pp 05-12. https://doi.org/10.55218/JASR.2023141002 3 Lenka, A K et al., (2023). Prevalence of Alcohol use among the Indian Population and its Impact on Public Health. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 14(3), 23–30. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijphrd.v14i3.19347 4 Lenka, A. K. (2019). Health, Identity and Livelihood Status of Sanitation Workers in Bhubaneswar City, Odisha. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 6(2), 438-450. doi:http://doi.one/10.1729/Journal.24982 5 Lenka, A. K. (2018). Access to Water supply and Sanitation Services: A study of urban poor in Bhubaneswar city, Odisha. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 6(2), 228-238. Retrieved from http://www.ijcrt.org/viewfull.php?p_id=IJCRT1133786 Book Chapters 1 Lenka, A.K. Urban poor and water supply issues: A study of planned city, India. One Health Approach – Advancing Global Health Security With the Sustainable Development Goals, forthcoming IntechOpen publisher London, SW7 2QJ, UNITED KINGDOM, ISBN 978-1-83769-268-2 2 Lenka, A.K. (2022). Inequalities in Access to Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities—A Study in Bhubaneswar City, Odisha. : Kale, R.K., Acharya, S.S. (eds) Mapping Identity-Induced Marginalisation in India: Inclusion and Access in the Land of Unequal Opportunities, Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3128-4_26. 3 Lenka, A. K. (2019). Health, Work, and State Response Toward Person Engaged in Sanitation Work: Some Issues and Challenges. In S. Panneer, S. S. Acharya, & N. Sivakami, Health, Safety and Well-Being of Workers in the Informal Sector in India (pp. 251-231). Springer. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8421-9_17 4 Lenka, A. K., & Patra , G. B. (2016). Water and Sanitation and Public Health Issues in Delhi. S. S. Acharya, S. Sen, M. Punia, & S. Reddy, Marginalization in Globalizing Delhi: Issues of Land, Livelihoods and Health (pp. 403-417). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-81-322-3583-5_22 Other Publications 1 Lenka, A. K. (2020). COVID-19, safety security of sanitation workers. https://roundtableindia.co.in/~roundta3/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9883:covid19-safety&catid=129:events-and-activism&Itemid=195&fbclid=IwAR1Lf2JywVpz5YRVX2VSwbOeF6CMQRZvr0dC70mz8ANyZ_w_0e9jaFdI5AQ 2 Lenka, A. K., and Chanchal, R. (2020). Marginalized Children and Online Learning Quarantine Times, (2020): https://www.easternherald.com/op-ed/marginalized-children-e-learning-quarantine-62184/ 3 Chanchal, R., and Lenka, A. K. (2020). Online learning and Marginalised 2020: https://telanganatoday.com/online-learning-and-the-marginalised 4 Naik, K. and Lenka, A. K. (2020). New Educational Policy-2020 What’s in the plate for Marginal students https://countercurrents.org/2020/09/new-education-policy-2020-whats-in-the-plate-for-marginal-students/?fbclid=IwAR35SZGwnCXi_C0V-GzdPzmZFvyk6rLeiiUXs7rJdd2vpAQJckDo3DxyUG8 |
Project deliverables |
1. Project Manager (Full time) at IIHMR, New Delhi in Nutrition International Project, “Implementation research to situational analysis and recommend an improved program model to improve adherence to IFA and calcium in selected areas of selected states in India”. Job Responsibilities: Develop research tools and translation tools, develop intervention model, prepare manual, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare field movement plan, data collection monitoring, data cleaning, data analysis/interpretation, report writing. 2. Team-Part of the project tool development, training, monitoring data collection, and data analysis (IIHMR, Delhi) in the BMJF project “Strengthening the implementation of eSanjeevani Telemedicine Services in the State of Bihar.” 3. Research Officer- JNU, New Delhi, in NCW project, “Alcoholism, Mental Health, Domestic Violence and Coping Strategies of Women in Delhi Slums and Rural UP and Rajasthan: Finding Tangible Solutions for Action”. Job Responsibilities: Develop research tools and translation tools, prepare manual, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data cleaning, data analysis/interpretation, report writing 4. Research Consultant Samajik Sodh Network Santhan (SRNO), Job responsibilities: Develop research proposal, prepare research tools, translation tools, prepare manual, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data coding, analysis/interpretation, report writing. Work on Different projects: · Mamta project titled “Third-party baseline for the project on Improving Nutrition focused Maternal New-born Child Health Practices Among Women in the Reproductive Age” Job Responsibilities: Develop research proposal, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data coding, analysis/interpretation, report writing · Word vision project titled “Strengthen capacities of government counterparts to demonstrate Solid Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) interventions in Open Defecation Free (ODF)” Develop research proposal, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data coding, analysis/interpretation, report writing 5. Research Associate (Full Time), at Change Alliance Pvt (Christian Aid), S.J. House, D 25 D, South Extension Part II, New Delhi-110049. Different-Projects managed: · India project titled “Community and Facility Health Survey of Primary Health Care Services in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh-USAID” sponsored by the LEHS/WISH foundation. Job Responsibilities: Develop research proposal, prepare research tools, translation tools, prepare manual, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data coding, analysis/interpretation, report writing · Endline Assessment and Final Evaluation for Promoting Access to Justice in Herat and Badghis Provinces, Afghanistan Programme: In Their Lifetime (ITL) Christian Aid Afghanistan. Job Responsibilities: Desk review, prepare research tools, provide training, prepare minutes, field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data coding, analysis/interpretation, report writing · Process Documentation and Impact Assessment for TCSRD Community Project in Babrala,UP. Job Responsibilities: Desk review, prepare research tools, provide training, prepare minutes field coordinator, prepare sampling, prepare field movement plan, data collection, data coding, analysis/interpretation, report writing · Primary Data Collection on The Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant Labourers in the state of Jharkhand for UNDP. Job Responsibilities: Training, data collection, and monitoring 6. Team lead/Volunteered in a phone survey conducted by Kilkari BBC Media action evolution in collaboration with National Health System Resources (NHSRC) and Bloomberg school of public health Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, USA. Duration: Job responsibilities: Team lead, tool discussion, providing training and data monitoring 7. Research Associate (Full Time). Project titled “Persons Engaged in Sanitation, sewerage and Allied Woks: Understanding Determinants and Consequences” Sponsored by University with Potential for Excellence (UPEO-II), JNU, New Delhi. Job Responsibilities: Prepare research tools, translation questionnaire, conduct field training, prepare manual, field coordinator, data collection, data coding, data cleaning, analysis/interpretation and report writing. 8. Research Associate (Full time), at JNU, New Delhi. Project titled “Engaging with Conservancy works and Experience of Social Discrimination- A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Determinants and Consequences with special Reference to Young Population”. Sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) New Delhi. Principal. Job Responsibilities: Developing research tools, translation tools, preparing manual, conduct filed training, data coordinator, data coding, data cleaning, analysis/interpretation, desk review, report Writing. 9. Project Fellow (Full Time), Project titled “Conservancy Works and Social Discrimination-Determinants and Consequences for Young Population”. Sponsored by the University Grant Commission (UGC) New Delhi. Job Responsibilities: Prepare research tools, translation tools, prepare manual, provide training, field coordinator, data coding, data cleaning, analysis/interpretation, report writing. |
Training conducted |
1. Provided training to Research assistants/ Implementation partners under the Nutrition Internal Project- Process evaluation round II- implementation research on IFA and Calcium Supplementations in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, India. IIHMR Delhi. (04-Sept to 05-Sept-2023) 2. VHND assessment training both Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat team under the Nutrition International project. (24-25Aug-2023) 3. Provide training on- Process Evaluation Under Implementation Research on IFA and Calcium in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, India- Phase 1. (19-21-April-2023) 4. Provide training on Nutritional International project Baseline Survey- Improving adherence to IFA and calcium in selected areas of selected states in India (17- 22-Aug-2022) 5. Deliver training at IIHMR on Implementation research to investigate the barriers and reasons for low adherence to IFA and calcium supplementation and demonstrate a program model to improve adherence to IFA and calcium in selected states (MP/Gujrat) in India. (08-12-Nov-2022) 6. Provides training in NCW project on “Alcoholism, Mental Health, Domestic Violence and Coping Strategies of Women in Delhi Slums and Rural UP and Rajasthan: Finding Tangible Solutions for Action.” The training program was conducted in the Center of Social medicine and Community Health, JNU New Delhi. (03-05-March-2021) 7. Provides training in National Commission Women, Delhi project on “Alcoholism, Mental Helath, Domestic Violence, and Coaping Strategies of Women in Delhi Slums, Rural UP, Rajsthan and Telengana: Finindings Tangible Solution for Action”. Jawharlal Nehru University, Social Medicine and Community Health Department. (03-05-March-2021) 8. Provides training in Change Alliance Pvt. to investigators on methodology, data collection on Women who have delivered in the last six months, communicable and non-communicable diseases, Out-of-pocket expenditure, and Village profile in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. This training program is under the Change Alliance Private Limited research studies. (12-18-Nov-2019) 9. Facilitated investigator training on methodology data collection for water supply and sanitation workers in Sikkim and Delhi. This training is conducted under the UGC grant research project. (15-18-March-2016) 10. Facilitated investigator training on methodology data collection for Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation water supply and sanitation workers. This training program is part of the UPEO-II research projects. (18-21-Jan-216) 11. Facilitated training to investigators/supervisors on methodology, data collection livelihood status of conservancy workers, safety, and social security in Surat and Ahmedabad municipal corporation workers, Gujarat. This training program is organized under the ICSSR research studies. (07-10-Sept-2015) 12. 10 days training program conducted on methodology, data collection procedure on sanitation and workers Health in Tirpude college of social work students (TCSW), Nagpur) This training program under the UPEO-II research studies. (10-20-June-2014) |
Conference and workshop |
1 National Seminar on Covid-19 in India & Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges, Responses & Way Forward. A.N. Sinha institute of social studies. Patna (14-15 march-2022) Paper presented on Covid-19, Domestic violence and mental health: A community-based study of women in Delhi 2 Conference: IASSH 16th Annual conference on “Health, Well-being and Regional Development: Emerging Issues and Challenges” Poster presentation on ‘Access to health care and social security: a study of sanitation workers in Bhubaneswar city, Odisha’ organized by Indian association for social sciences and health (IASSH) with Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 10-12 December 2018. 3 National seminar on Sanitation on conservancy workers-does national cleanliness mission address issues of health, housing livelihood. Paper presented on ‘Health, Identity and Livelihood status of Sanitation workers: An analysis in Bhubaneswar City, Odisha’. organized by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) with Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 20th and 21st April 2018. 4 ICSSR Northern Region National Seminar on “Sanitation and Conservancy Workers- Does National Cleanliness Mission Address Issues of Health, Housing and Livelihoods?” Sponsored by ICSSR and CSMCH, JNU. 20-21 April, 2018 JNU, New Delhi 5 Workshop: National Workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Social Sciences’, Organised by Associations of Indian Universities, New Delhi and JNU, New Delhi on 12th - 16th October 2015 at JNU, New Delhi. 6 Workshop on ‘English for Academic Writing from Synopsis to Thesis Writing’ (1-15th-May-2015) paper organized by Linguistic Empowerment Cell Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 7 Seminar: National Seminar on ‘Margins of Lands, Health-Care and Livelihoods: Exclusion in Globalizing Delhi’, presented paper on “Water and Sanitation and Public Health Issues in Delhi”. Organised on 20th – 21st December 2014 by CSMCH and CSRD, JNU and Supported by ICSSR, New Delhi. 8 Workshop: Research Methodology Course ‘Doing Ethnography’, Organised by Anthropos India Foundation (AIF) and Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), on 8th - 10th December 2014 at JNU, New Delhi. 9 Workshop: Workshop on ‘Research Methods and Data Analysis in Public Health’ (25th - 31th August-2014), Conducted by the Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 10 Workshop-cum-Conference on Pharmaceutical policies in India: Balancing Industrial and Public Health Interest’ (03-07-2014) organized by Indian Institute of Public Health, New Delhi. 11 International seminar on Farmer Suicide in India’ (10th-11th-Febuary-2011) Conducted by the Center of Sociology, Pondicherry University and Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. |
Awards and Recognitions (if any) |
Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellow (2018-2019) |
Memberships (if any) |
Certifications (if any) |
PG diploma on Rural development |
Link to personal website/Blog (If any) |