Dr. Archana
Ph.D. Agriculture
She obtained her Ph.D. degree in agriculture from Amity university Noida. Her research work in Interrelationships of plant parasitic nematodes with soil borne fungi, Management of soil borne pathogens through eco-friendly methods and also indigenous strains of fungal bio agents as core component for farmer’s friendly IPM techno-package to combat root knot nematode and several major fungal pathogens on okra crops. She has done work based on ‘Land to Lab’ and ‘vice-versa research by utilization of natural resource soil polarization in evolving safe and cost effective IPM techno- packages for transplantable crops rice, tomato, brinjal and chilli major soil borne fungal diseases which, besides helping in making the soil, crop and the consumers healthy also increased the crop quality and productivity having been proved a boon for the poor farmers to a great extant.
She has published 12 quality papers and 5 Book chapters in National and International reputed Journal indexed by SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE AND UGC APPROVED and involved in team for filling patent on effect of silica nanoparticles on root knot nematode during her doctoral research. Presently guiding under graduate students on Plant Protection Sciences most of which are field oriented problems encouraging the farmers and their awareness about the plant diseases and their control.
I also an active member of renowned associations and societies in field of Agriculture such as Global Outreach Research and Education Association, Indian Phytopathology, Annals of Plant Protection. I also presented my research work in various conferences organized by Indian Science Congress, Hi-tech Horticulture Society.
5 years
Ph.D. Agriculture
Award & Recognition:
First poster presentation Award in International Conference
Agricultural Microbiology; Nematology; media growth