Ms. Isha Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. (Pursuing), M.Tech.
Area of Specialization: Production Engineering, Tribology
Email: isha.srivastava@gmail.com, isha0603@gmail.com
Total teaching Experience: 5 Years
- Since Feb 2021 working as Assistant Professor, Noida International University, Noida.
- July 15 – May 19 working Assistant Professor, DIT University, Dehradun.
Production Engineering, Tribology and Lubrication and Industrial Engineering.
International Journals
[1]. Isha Srivastava, Ankit Kotia, Subrata Kumar Ghosh, and Mohamed Kamal Ahmed Ali (2020), “Recent Advances of Molecular Dynamics Simulation in Nanotribology” Journal of Molecular Liquids. (Impact factor: 6.165).
[2]. Isha Srivastava, Fateh Singh, Ankit Kotia and Subrata Kumar Ghosh, (2020), “MWCNT and Graphene Nanoparticles Additives for Energy Efficiency in Engine Oil” Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Impact factor: 4.626.
[3] Ankit Kotia, Krishna Chowdary, Isha Srivastava, Subrata Kumar Ghosh, Mohamed Kamal Ali (2020) Carbon Nanomaterials as Friction Modifiers in Automotive Engines: Recent Progress and Perspectives, Journal of Molecular Liquids Impact factor: 6.165.
[4] A. Kotia, G. K. Ghosh, I. Srivastava, P. Deval, and S. K. Ghosh, (2019) “Mechanism for improvement of friction/wear by using Al2O3 and SiO2/Gear oil Nanolubricants", Journal of Alloys and Compounds Impact factor: 5.316
International Conference Publication:
[1]. Isha Srivastava, Ankit Kotia, Fateh Singh and Subrata Kumar Ghosh “Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of MWCNT+SiO2 Hyrbid Nanolubricant with 15W40 Engine oil”, Proceedings of the 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 10-12, 2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
[2] Isha Srivastava, “Performance Evaluation of PVD and CVD coated Inserts during End Milling with DRY and MQL condition”, International Conference on Technological Advancements in Materials and Manufacturing for Industrial Environment, 4th -5th March 2016, Coimbatore.
Faculty Development Programme” organized by ICT Academy on “Product Simulation using Fusion 360”, on (17 May 2021 to 21 May 2021) via online mode.