Mukesh Kumar
Designation : Assistant Professor(Civil Engineering)
Qualification : PhD(Pursuing),M.E.(Water Resource Engg)
Email : mukesh.kumar@niu.edu.in
- Total Experience: 17 Years(Teaching+Industry+Research).
- Working with Noida International University w.e.f.May 2022
- Orchid Research ID: 0000-0002-3957-9318
- Worked as HOD & Associate Professor (Civil Engg) at HIET (AKTU) from 2017-2022.
- Google Scholar Link:https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=6YScF0MAAAAJ&hl=en
- GATE 2022, 2012 and 2002 qualified
- Worked as GATE Trainer in HIET (AKTU) Ghaziabad
- Membership: Life Time Member(ICJ,IWW,ISTE)
- Approved Valuer : Immovable Properties
- Conducted various test such as compressive strength of concrete, various test of coarse aggregates and fine aggregates along with cement testing etc.
- Off Campus Placement of Civil Engineering students in various companies through Industry
Area of Interest : Water Resource & Environmental Engineering
- Mukesh Kumar and Hoshiyar Singh, “Assessment of Water Quality in the river Hindon at Ghaziabad(U.P.), India” Positif Journal, Volume 22, Issue 7, July-2022 Environmental & Water Resources Institute(EWRI),Page No..1-17,2022.
- Suraj Mishra, Mukesh Kumar, Suhail Khan, “A comparative Study on cost Analysis of RCC and Composite Structure in India” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT), Volume 07, Issue :06, June 2020, Page No: 3498-3504.
- Bhanu Sharma, Mukesh Kumar, Richa Tiwari, “ Study on Plastic Waste for Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with soft and Hard Plastic in Concrete”,AEGAEUM Journal, Volume 8, Issue 3,2020, ISSN No:0776-3808, Page No:653-666
- Gaurav Sharma, Mukesh Kumar, Anuj Kumar Sharma, “Partial Replacement of Sand with Marble Powder in Concrete”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT), Volume 06, Issue :06, June 2020, Page No: 3968-3976
- Monk Diwaker, Mukesh Kumar , Deepika,” Study on Execution of Fly Ash Bricks using Waste Material, AEGAEUM Journal, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2020
- Bhanu Sharma, Mukesh Kumar,”Study on Plastic waste for replacement of coarse aggregates with soft and hard plastic in Concrete”AEGAEUM JOURNAL, Volume 8 , Isue3, Page No.653-664
- Mukesh Kumar, Faisal Ashffaque,”Study and Experimental Investigation of Groundwater Quality in Greater Noida,UP,INDIA”Bulletin for Technology and History Volume 23, Issue9,Page No, 284-307
- Omarzi Abdullaha, Mukesh Kumar,”Water, Hygiene and Ecological Sanitations Study in Lavad Village in Gujarat (INDIA):an integrated interpretation of WASH Practice” GOYA JOURNAL , Volume16, Issue08, Page No.152-159
- Mukesh Kumar, Nishant Kumar, Mayank Rai,” Performance of Concrete made from recycled coarse aggregates at different mix proportions” GIS Science Journal, Volume 10, Issue 4, May 2023.
- Mukesh Kumar,Dr Dhananjay Singh, Suresh Kumar Patel,Vinay Mishra,Balendu Shekhar Giri,”Performance assessment of single slope passive type solar still integrated with external parabolic reflector and using hybrid nanofluids, Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
- FDP(Faculty Development Programme): Attended
- Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning in Civil Engineering.,(3001.2023 to 04..02.2023)
- Advance Construction Material and Techniques for Building, Road, Highway and other Civil Engineering Structure,NITTR (17.07.2022 to 27.07.2022)
- Funding opportunity in Engineering.,NITTR (14.11.2022 to 18.11.2022)
- Emerging trends in Renewable Energy Technologies,NITTTR(20.06.2022 to 24.06.2022)
- Optimization of Engineering problems with MATLAB,NITTTR (05.12.2022 TO 19.12.2022)
- Quality control of Concrete,NITTTR (11.07.2022 to 15.07.2022)
- Sustainable Solution in Civil Engineering,IPEC, Ghaziabad(08th to 13th July,2019)
- Recent Trends in Design & Construction Practices in Metro Railway,IPEC (25th to 29th June,2018)
- Innovation in Construction and Green Building Materials, NITTTR(7TH August to 11th August 2023)
- Carbon Neutral Technology for Sustainable Development ICCNTSD-2023,IIT Delhi( & NSTC, Taiwan Exchange Workshop 5-6 Septmenber,2023)
- CHEM-TECHNOVA 2023,HBTU Kanpur, & Indian Oil , Kanpur U.P.(26th-27th May ,2023
- CHEMCON 2022, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers(27th to 30th Decemeber,2022)
- NPTEL /Short Term Course Taken::
- Physico-chemical process of wastewater treatment(Jan-Apr 2022)-12 week course
- Wastewater treatment and Recycling(July –Oct 2022)-12 week course
- Renewable Energy Engineering: solar, biomass and Wind Energy system(Jan-April 2023)-12 weeks
- Introduction to Structural Engineering, ISTE STTP by IIT Kharagpur(30th Nov 2015 to 09th January 2016)
Patent: Method of Process for Dining in Restaurants Live in Mobile from Food Order to Food Preparation(Application NO 202211022024)-Status Published.