1st and 2nd September 2022

Food demonstration is a process of conveying nutritional information to a target group through cooking and sharing nutritional tips as it is being done. This includes discussing different available foods and how they can be used, as well as cooking the food together and tasting the prepared food.

A cooking demonstration was held on 1st and 2nd September 2022 by GNM 1st year students of School of Nursing, Noida International University.

The purpose of conducting participatory cooking demonstrations is to:

  • Enable the students to gain new food preparation skills. Develop their confidence in preparing improved or new dishes.
  • Create awareness of under-utilized nutritious food ingredients readily available at home, hospital, community or in the other area.

A total number of 39 students participated for the demonstration who were divided into 5 groups of 7-8 students in each, and each group had to prepare one therapeutic meal for patient and were given 02:00 hours for preparing the meal. The practical session was completed in two days. Group A and group B did their presentation on day 1 and rest of the groups on day 2 day

Every student participated with full of enthusiasm and they were judged by our Honourable Dean, School of Nursing, Prof. (Dr.) Dinesh Kumar, subject coordinator Ms. Natasha Verma and all teaching faculty of the department.

Day 1

Day 2




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